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Dates filled with almond paste and chocolate

Recipe by: Tammy Diderich
Preparation Time 1-2 minutes


Ingredients for 1 stuffed date:

  • 1 pitted dried date
  • ½ teaspoon almond paste
  • ½ piece dark chocolate (~5 g)


  • Unfold the date, fill with almond paste, press in the chocolate and press the date together again. 


Fast and delicious snack

Picture ofTammy Diderich

Tammy Diderich


After my studies in dietetics, I specialised in nutrition for athletes. I work in Sportslycée and also accompany athletes from LIHPS. In addition, I have specialised in intuitive nutrition, which helps me to guide people back to a natural and relaxed eating behaviour. My passion is cooking and developing new recipes, which I love to share with others. My motto in the kitchen is: “Healthy, Fast and Simple”.

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