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We deal with the topic of health to give you as much information and advice as possible to stay physically and mentally healthy in the long term. That’s why we have decided to become partners of the podcast “Be Well –  de gesonde Podcast” with Sarah Cattani, yoga teacher and coach of the vlog “gesondheet!”.

In her podcast, Sarah will invite experts from different health fields and have them discuss their experiences.

Picture ofSarah Cattani

Sarah Cattani


“Live in the moment” and “be well” are concepts Sarah Cattani has been living by for several years to lead a healthier and more balanced life. The long-time journalist, yoga teacher, and mother of two is passionate about everything that makes people happier, more balanced, and more relaxed. In her “Be Well – de gesondheet Podcast”, Sarah highlights topics that interest her and sets out to find ways to feel better on the inside and, as an extension, thus also on the outside.

Podcast Language :Luxembourgish


Faarfanalyse mam Sabrina Iacovazzi

Mir sinn all eenzegaarteg op dëser Welt a gesinn deemno och eenzegaarteg aus! Des Eenzegaartegkeet gëtt dann och nach duerch eng Kombinaisoun vun Nuancë vun eisem äusserleche Wiese betount- äis Aenfaarf, Hoerfaarf, Hautfaarf… Styliste kennen dëst scho laang ma och ee selwer kann erausfanne weieng Faarwe gutt bei ee passen an domat gesäit et net just optesch besser aus, ma et entseet och en neit Liewensgefill. Fir iwwer Farfanalyse ze schwaten ass haut d’Sabrina Iacovazzi am Studio. Dei haaptberufflech Danzproff hëlleft anere Leit fir déi richteg Faarwen an hiert Liewen ze kréien, an dat kann net just nëmmen äusserlech mee och ganz aanescht hëllefen. brillaletz op Instagram

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Podcast Language :Luxembourgish
Podcast Language :Luxembourgish
Podcast Language :German
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