Chocolate Banana Porridge
Preparation Time
15 minutes
Ingredients for 1 portion:
- 250ml milk
- 50g rolled oats
- 1 teaspoon cocoa
- 1 pinch of salt
- Toppings : 1 banana, 1 date, 1 teaspoon cocoa nibs, 1 teaspoon nut butter
- Bring the milk to the boil with the oats, cocoa and salt.
- Stir regularly until a firm consistency is achieved.
- Pour the porridge into a bowl and garnish with toppings.
Tammy Diderich
After my studies in dietetics, I specialised in nutrition for athletes. I work in Sportslycée and also accompany athletes from LIHPS. In addition, I have specialised in intuitive nutrition, which helps me to guide people back to a natural and relaxed eating behaviour. My passion is cooking and developing new recipes, which I love to share with others. My motto in the kitchen is: “Healthy, Fast and Simple”.